Leathergoods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) has organized a 2 day training on Efficiency Improvement: Lean Management Approach for Increasing Profitability from 15th...

The Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) is being implemented for the leather sector. With this new deal the local entities are expecting to boost productivity.

The 6th Annual General Meeting 2015 of Centre of Excellence for Leather Skill Bangladesh Limited (COEL) was held recently in a city hotel, said a statement.
COEL chairman Syed Nasim Manzur presided over the AGM while Vice-Chairman Mr....

Centre of Excellence for Leather Skill Bangladesh Ltd. (COEL) signed a group insurance contract with Guardian Life Insurance Limited (GLIL) recently at the COEL Head office, Dhaka. Kazi Roushan Ara, Head of Operation of COEL and MM Monirul Alam,...

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Centre of Excellence for Leather Skill Bangladesh Ltd. (COEL) and Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI), India at International Convention City Bashundhara on 3rdNovember 2016. Syed Nasim Manzur, Chairman of COEL and...