Compliance Audit & Consultancy

Center of Excellence for Leather Skill Bangladesh Limited (COEL) with the collaboration of Leathergoods and Footwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) planned to make the leather sector as RMG sector of Business status by developing all national compliance issues among its member factories. In this regard, an in-house compliance cell was formed with direct support WRAP Bangladesh, Intertek Bangladesh Limited & Bureau Veritas (Bangladesh) Private Limited as the supporting organization of this program. In this purpose, COEL organized different awareness programs on different aspects such as- Social Compliance, Environmental safety, and Fire Safety, etc. Then COEL & LFMEAB compliance team combined and conducted compliance audit program. As compliance has been a major priority in order to survive in the competitive global market, compliance team has been visiting factories to check their status regarding compliance according to Bangladesh Labor Law. For these activities COEL prepared a policy & procedure for providing service to the members of LFMEAB. By this policy LFMEAB achieved the situation as a one stop service provider to their members.

Now COEL has two certified lead auditors from Intertek Bangladesh Limited & Bureau Veritas (Bangladesh) Private Limited and certified firefighting trainer from WRAP Bangladesh.


COEL compliance team believes that compliant factories will make a good reputation in world market as a whole and will attract the foreign investment and buyers in our country.

Activities of Compliance team:

ü  Awareness build up on compliance issues

ü  Consult or suggest different members for compliance development

ü  Monitoring the developing status of factory

ü  Audit planning & conducting



1. Consultancy for Training Need Assessment (TNA)

2. Developing Training Modules & Course Curricula

3. Training of Trainers for Common Facility Center (CFC) Trainers

4. Developing Strategic Business Plan & Operating Procedure for Knowledge Resource Center

5. Strategic Plan for the Leather sector for next ten years

6. Consultancy for Training on various technical, environmental, compliance & management issues.

7. Consultancy for Baseline Survey

8. Consultancy for Project Proposal Writing for SEIP Project