NTVQF Machine Operations (Footwear) Level 1

Centre of Excellence for Leather Skill Bangladesh Ltd. (COEL) is offering NTVQF Machine Operations (Footwear) Level to meet up the skill requirements for the Leather Sector of Bangladesh. Here COEL aims to create a group of Machine Operators Level 1 ( Footwear ) Competent graduates who would contribute significantly to meet up the increasing demand for the cutting department of any footwear  producing factory. Keeping this is in mind designed this training course has been designed with the support of professional trainers to impart technical, practical and theoretical aspects of NTVQF Level 1 to its trainees.



NTVQF Machine Operations ( Footwear) Level 1


360 Hours ( Total)

Minimum Qualification

 Secondary School  Certificate(H.S.C)

Recruiting Policy:

Candidates are called to appear in a written test. Satisfactory marks obtainers will have an interview opportunity to finally prove him/ her eligible for the training.


Any Leather industry can avail this training course for their employees. Even they can nominate fresh nominees without prior experience of the job and hence any one who wants to start a career in production sector of the leather industry.

Trainee Facilities:

Each Trainee will get a monthly allowance.

Training plan:

This training program consists of both theoretical knowledge and practical know-how relevant to the job. Each Trainee will be trained through multimedia presentations, assignments, Log Book preparation, written exams, individual presentations etc. This training program consists of both theoretical knowledge and practical know-how relevant to the job.